Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sonnet 18.5

Shall I compare thee to a stomachache?
Thou lasts far longer than any pain may.
Such aches stem from a specific mistake,
Simple precaution will keep them at bay;
A past stomachache one wouldn't recall,
The mild discomfort, hardly an issue;
Even the most persistent of them all
Rarely stays after an asp'rin or two.
But memories of thee never subside,
Lacking a cure, day by day they accrue;
Ne'er has any ache spread so far and wide
To torment the heart, the soul, the sinew.

So long as men eat, and stomachs can ache;
So long thoughts of thee I can ne'er forsake.

[Credits to a mate in college who got tongue-tied in a failed attempt to be romantic, and came up with the first line by accident. But I do miss you guys that much.
Look, if we want a year-end class trip shall we start planning early?
Please put forward any suggestions. Let's get the discussion going.]

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